

浙江国际频道依托浙江广电集团,充分发挥国内国际资源优势,本着服务海外受众的宗旨,兼顾不同地域和文化的收视习惯与需求,打造适合国际传播的时政财经、综艺娱乐、社会人文等节目。 2016年12月,浙江国际频道成为中国(电视)长城平台上首个高清覆盖海外的省级国际频道。据长城平台2017年收视数据显示:浙江国际频道收视总时长位居长城(欧洲)平台省级频道第一,长城(美国)平台省级频道第二。浙江国际频道在海外华埠和华语观众中享有较高的知名度和美誉度,已成为浙江省对外宣传的重要阵地、对外新闻文化交流的重要窗口、联系海外华侨华人的重要渠道。
Zhejiang TV International Channel is the only international TV channel in Zhejiang Province. It broadcasts radio and television programs for overseas audiences 24 hours per day. The channel was officially launched overseas in August 2006. Currently, the channel now broadcasts to more than 150 countries and regions in Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa, and Oceania through China (TV) Great Wall platform.Relying on Zhejiang Radio and Television Group, Zhejiang TV International Channel gives full play to its domestic and international resource advantages, and aims to serve overseas audiences. It takes into account the viewing habits and demands of different regions and cultures, and makes programs suitable for international communication, such as current political and financial news, entertainment, social topics and so on. In December 2016, Zhejiang TV International Channel became the first provincial-level international channel with high-definition coverage overseas on the Great Wall of China (TV) platform, and its overall audience has been significantly improved. According to the data of the Great Wall Platform in 2017, Zhejiang TV International Channel ranked first among the provincial channels of the Great Wall Platform (Europe) and second among the provincial channels of the Great Wall Platform (USA). Zhejiang TV International Channel enjoys high degree of popularity, and has an excellent reputation among overseas Chinese audiences. It has become an important publicity platform for Zhejiang Province, an important window for foreign news and cultural exchanges, and an important channel for contacting overseas Chinese.


